Socializing With Autism

This weekend I surprised myself by how well I did participating in social activities two days in a row.

Saturday was date night so my boyfriend and I went to go see one of our favorite comedians Vic Dibitetto perform stand up at one of the local theaters. I finally learned that when getting tickets to any show or sporting event it works bust for me to buy aisle seats at the end or beginning of the row so I am not sandwiched in between two people increasing my chances of experiencing sensory and/or anxiety issues. I was able to enjoy both the show and our time together.

Yesterday we went out to a BBQ. A no brainer decision for almost everyone else in the world was the hardest one in mine. Lucky for me he has patience of a saint and just sits there and lets me vocalize all my thoughts and reservations. I ended up going because after all I don’t want him to not be able to see his friends. I had fun even though did not stay the whole time because I reached my limit and needed to go home to relax for work.

Happy Monday Everybody!

Learning To Cook

My parents are slowly starting to teach me important life skills such as how to cook so that I may live semi independently one day. Tonight I learned to sautee peppers & onions! I did not set the house on fire and they ended up tasting delicious! I may not be able to make a full meal but it is a start and I am proud of myself for what I accomplished! 

Navigating the Interview Process to Get The Job!

UPDATE: I wrote this years back but the information still holds true to this day. I encourage any newly college graduate on the Autism Spectrum and their families to read this blog to help make the next transition in life a bit smoother.

Not to long ago I was in the same position as a lot of people are right now. I spent hours on end sending out resumes praying that the dream job would come knocking on my door. It is during this time which I came up with a few tips to help ease the rocky road of the interview process.

1) Have an experienced member of the work force look over your resume. What looks good to the average person may not be exactly what a company is looking for.

2) Go to your local library or book store and get a book of interview questions. There will be many different types so take time to look over each book and pick one that works for you.

3) It is a great idea to highlight or post it note questions that are appropriate for you. Remember interview books are meant to serve a wide range of people.

4) Write out each question on a legal pad or word document. Sit down with a family member or friend and come up with relevant appropriate answers to each question.

5) Buy a binder and protective cover sheets to put your study sheets in. That way you will always have a reference for quick reviews.

6) Rehearse , Rehearse and Rehearse. Since many Autistic’s need constant repetition while trying to gain new skills the same needs to be applied with learning how to interview. Practice every single day until you feel comfortable answering every question. Given the fact that not all interviewers will phrase everything the same way it is beneficial for you if the person you’re studying with reworded some questions.

7) Go on the interview and discuss relevant commonalities. It will help ease the tension in the air but most importantly it will show that you have knowledge on other subjects other than what is being asked of you. For example on the place of my current employment my old boss grew up in the same home town so I spoke about that with him for a majority of the time.

8 ) Write a thank you email the same day. This will keep your name fresh in the mind of the employer and show that you are serious about wanting a job. Even if things did not pan out as smoothly as planned you still want to show that you handle yourself professionally. Also you never know if you will encounter this person again later down the road.

9) Take rejection graciously. I know this is hard to do when by nature our first instinct is to get defensive but it is extremely important not to have a verbal altercation with the person on the other end of the phone. Keep your response short but sweet and then after you hang up feel free to vent to someone you trust.

I hope that you can take these tips and use them to your advantage no matter what point of the interview process you are in. Like everything else it is something that takes practice until you get it perfect. Good luck!

Good luck & Thank you for reading!
Autistic Female

Memorial Day

To my followers:

Out of respect to all the heroic men and women who scarified themselves defending the freedoms of our country I will not be uploading a new blog tonight. God Bless and I will see you next week!
Autistic Female

A Mothers Love: A thank you letter for my Autism Mom

Dear Mommy:

Happy Mothers Day! While everyone claims to have the “best mother” I know for a fact that they have nothing on you because as an Autism Spectrum Mommy you are in a class of awesome all on your own. God(or deity of your choice if not Catholic) decided you were one of his strongest warriors and gave you the honor of being a parent to a daughter with special needs.

As my mommy you are on the job around the clock without pay and you still find the ability to smile even on the days when Autism is giving us both a swift kick in the butt. From the time you realized my delays in not reaching standard milestones you made it your mission to get me whatever it takes to be a productive member of society instead of having my mind waste away in an institution somewhere. No and “she will grow out of it” was never an acceptable answer. You took me to the best specialists in the country and ultimately fought the entire education system until they gave me a diagnosis and services as required by the disability laws. 

Although I use to tell you how you were the absolute worst person on the planet for forcing me to go to all those interventional therapies now that I am an adult I don’t regret going for a single one of them. Actually that is a lie because I still have a strong dislike toward my then behavioral therapist. Just mentioning that title makes my stomach turn upside down which isn’t a bad thing considering I would do well to lose a few pounds. Okay now that I got that out of the way in all seriousness I am so thankful for the battles you have fought and continue to still fight for me. You’re dedication allowed me to graduate from college with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Information Management Technology and get a full time job in New York City! I still have a lot more life skills to learn but with the biggest hurdles out of the way the rest is all Icing on the cake.


From your Daughter,

Autistic Female

Do you honestly expect me to be happy about that? My natural response to change

The one thing I hate in life more than going to the dentist is change. I resist against it to the umpteenth degree and loudly voice my discontentment. Being the only one of my kind in a Neurotypical family, I frequently get the response of “just go/move forward with it” or “stop being difficult on purpose”. I love them but it is very frustrating for me that they expect me to see and react to things their way when they do not even consider mine.

This past summer I learned that night before leaving for family vacation that my sister was pregnant with her first child. While everyone was idiotically overjoyed to me it was bad news and an inopportune timing. It was the thorn that popped my happy bubble and ruined my entire trip. It was too late for a back out option and now I was stuck with family for seven days in a beach house. They kept asking me what I thought about the future addition and I kept promptly responding “Do you honestly expect me to be happy about that? Because if you do your kidding yourself! They hated my responses and I hated all of them so it made for a fun week of awkward meals and overall avoidance. 

Before anyone starts pointing the finger or judging me it is important to understand that Autism and change will never mix. It is my natural enemy that I can never fully be prepared for despite the many years of intervention I have under my belt. In my world everything runs on structure including the rare few I allow inside. Each member is given a specified rank & purpose that is designated to them for life. In my mind adding a new member into my pact is like rebuilding a house after a natural disaster. The foundation is gone and I am forced to start over from scratch rearranging everything to determine where this new member will be able to fit inside.

Since my nephew’s arrival about two months ago not too much has changed in my immediate environment but I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that he will actually be here on a permanent basis. He has won over my heart and I think he is adorable but my comfort level is not quite there yet. For now I just keep to myself and stare at him when he is near me. That will come with time as we both get to know each other on our own terms. I am just happy with the realization that my pack is still a tight unit and no one has been replaced.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Autistic Female 

Autism, Behind the Scenes: The Unacknowledged Parties

Have I ever told you how much I love April? A whole 30 days dedicated to the Autism Spectrum Disorder does not get any better than that! While each year interventional and educational therapies get the most attention, many fail to shine a light of acknowledgement to the group of special people in the background who make all of this possible.

As a high functioning Autism adult trying to live as fully integrated in a Neurotypical world, I can say for certain that out of all the interventionists, my support system is one that never disappoints. They have the hardest job in the world and do so without complaint, pay, or sick leave!

The first set of most valuable players on my team are my mommy and daddy. Thank you for continuing the fight and advocating on my behalf to get me all the services I need to be able to live independently one day.

I know what many of you are thinking after reading that last sentence and the best answer I can provide is this. By definition I am seen as an “adult” in the worlds eyes but developmentally, I am not quite there yet. There are many programs that I have aged out of but when it comes to life skills Autism has no age limit.
Next in line for the spotlight is my older sister or as I use to say before I started speech therapy my “swista”! She will take over some of the responsibilities of my parents when they are in their older years. She is my biggest cheerleader who never stops giving that loving push to force me outside of my comfort zone. I undoubtedly voice my discontent the entire time but she is with me every step of the way. It may take me more than one or two tries but in the end she is always right. I was able to do what she asked of me and the final results are what is most rewarding.

To my life coach, thank you for agreeing to join me on my journey when I came into your office almost 15 years ago. We definitely have a love hate relationship (mostly on my end Haha). I can be stubborn and go months without coming in on my scheduled appointments but I appreciate the fact that you never turn me away. You helped make me the successful person that I am today and I can’t wait to see what other milestones we can accomplish together.

Last but not least there is my boyfriend. I don’t know what was going on in your mind when you asked me to be your girlfriend five years ago but whatever it is I hope it never changes. Thank you for being different. You always see me as a “normal” person and treat me with the highest level of respect. I come with an extra set of challenges that doesn’t always make your life easier but I admire your ability to keep loving me and pushing through.
The one thing I have learned about my journey with Autism is that every day brings forth a new adventure. There is always a sensory issue, communication mishap, or anxiety phobia lurking in the background to which I can not prepare for. When these monsters make their appearances overload or meltdowns occur. It is the downside of the spectrum but having my round the clock support team with me makes life easier.

If others with Autism are reading this and you are not lucky to have what I have don’t give up hope. Guardian angels show up at the most unexpected times in the forms of friends, coworkers, or even strangers. There is someone out there waiting to help you!

Thank you for reading,

Autistic Female


If we want acceptance how come we do not accept each other? 

Since we are a week away from April 2nd I thought I would take a few minute to share my thoughts with the world. 
How is it that our community demands acceptance & understanding from the Neurotypical society yet behind the scenes we don’t even accept our own members who have different views on Autism’s causes, interventions to use, or charities to support! Until we can come truly come together as a whole our mission for global acceptance will never happen! 
Please feel free to comment or message me your thoughts. I respond personally to every email I recieve.
Thank you ,

Autistic Female











The Way I See It: The Autism Version! 

Neurotypical people need to find more productive ways to spend their free time instead of wondering when person xyz is going to have a baby! First off the world is already way over populated with humans. Secondly not everyone should be blessed to be a parent. The way I see it parenthood is like robbing a bank scenario, just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should!

Is it really a “shame” ?

Society on a daily basis talks smack about different ethnic minority groups, the Autism community and skinny people yet it never gets labeled as “race shaming” “disability shaming” or “skinny shaming” the world just looks the other way and ignores it. All of a sudden since bigger people get picked on and their story makes its way to social media outlets it earns the title “fat shaming” and everyone becomes outraged.

Now one can feel free to disagree with me here and that’s totally fine but the last time I checked someone’s weight is something that can be controlled. Being a bigger person myself I stopped the path I was on and seen results simply by way of portion control, making better food choices and exercising. 

Shouldn’t everyone be more angered by people making rude comments about something a person truly has no control over? You can’t choose your ethnic background or if you are going to have a disability but you can choose to make better food choices to lead a better life.

Thank you for reading!

Autistic Female

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