Socializing With Autism

This weekend I surprised myself by how well I did participating in social activities two days in a row.

Saturday was date night so my boyfriend and I went to go see one of our favorite comedians Vic Dibitetto perform stand up at one of the local theaters. I finally learned that when getting tickets to any show or sporting event it works bust for me to buy aisle seats at the end or beginning of the row so I am not sandwiched in between two people increasing my chances of experiencing sensory and/or anxiety issues. I was able to enjoy both the show and our time together.

Yesterday we went out to a BBQ. A no brainer decision for almost everyone else in the world was the hardest one in mine. Lucky for me he has patience of a saint and just sits there and lets me vocalize all my thoughts and reservations. I ended up going because after all I don’t want him to not be able to see his friends. I had fun even though did not stay the whole time because I reached my limit and needed to go home to relax for work.

Happy Monday Everybody!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. teacherblack
    Jul 30, 2019 @ 06:31:23

    Re: getting an aisle row–Isn’t that great to learn what works for you so you have the strategy? While not having autism myself, I work with kiddos on the spectrum (mild) and one of the things I try to teach/instill is that self-knowledge + meta-cognition + self-advocacy.

    Also thinking about the BBQ–congrats! Yay that you had fun. And also to say that many neurotypical folk need to leave events like that early bc they are *done.* As one of the only extroverts in a family of introverts, I see it a lot–some of my sibs need hours and one needs a day or two to recover from a highly-social afternoon or evening. I have even found that, where it used to be I could not get enough socializing and never understood the need to recover, I now do have a limit and do need some down time afterwards to unwind. So that need to leave early may be more extreme than average, but certainly isn’t an autism-only feature.

    Take care!


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