A Mothers Love: A thank you letter for my Autism Mom

Dear Mommy:

Happy Mothers Day! While everyone claims to have the “best mother” I know for a fact that they have nothing on you because as an Autism Spectrum Mommy you are in a class of awesome all on your own. God(or deity of your choice if not Catholic) decided you were one of his strongest warriors and gave you the honor of being a parent to a daughter with special needs.

As my mommy you are on the job around the clock without pay and you still find the ability to smile even on the days when Autism is giving us both a swift kick in the butt. From the time you realized my delays in not reaching standard milestones you made it your mission to get me whatever it takes to be a productive member of society instead of having my mind waste away in an institution somewhere. No and “she will grow out of it” was never an acceptable answer. You took me to the best specialists in the country and ultimately fought the entire education system until they gave me a diagnosis and services as required by the disability laws. 

Although I use to tell you how you were the absolute worst person on the planet for forcing me to go to all those interventional therapies now that I am an adult I don’t regret going for a single one of them. Actually that is a lie because I still have a strong dislike toward my then behavioral therapist. Just mentioning that title makes my stomach turn upside down which isn’t a bad thing considering I would do well to lose a few pounds. Okay now that I got that out of the way in all seriousness I am so thankful for the battles you have fought and continue to still fight for me. You’re dedication allowed me to graduate from college with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Information Management Technology and get a full time job in New York City! I still have a lot more life skills to learn but with the biggest hurdles out of the way the rest is all Icing on the cake.


From your Daughter,

Autistic Female

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Bernette Finley-Drawe
    May 16, 2017 @ 05:34:15

    Touching. I am glad for both of you. B in MN


    • Autistic Female
      May 16, 2017 @ 12:02:37

      Thank you Bernette for allowing me to share my journey with you. I hope you had a fantastic Mothers Day!


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